This page has usage examples for the following words:

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
エイズ・AIDS 後天性免疫不全症候群 こうてんせいめんえきふぜんしょうこうぐん
contact 接触 せっしょく
dysentery 赤痢 せきり
Ebola virus エボラウィルス
Ebola epidemic・outbreak エボラ流行・突発 エボラりゅうこう・とっぱつ
hemorrhagic fever 出血熱 しゅっけつねつ
quarantine, isolation 隔離 かくり
U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
米国疾病予防センター べいこくしっぺいよぼうセンター
WHO World Health Organization 世界保健機構 せかいほけんきこう


I have read some newspaper articles about the Ebola outbreak in Zaire, Africa.
しんぶんで、エボラがアフリカのザイールで はっせいしたといっています。

Do we have to worry about being infected by Ebola?
エボラにかんせんするのを しんぱいしなければなりませんか。

It is said that Ebola, at the early stage, resembles dysentery.

Diarrhea, hemorrhage and high fever are the early symptoms.
げり、しゅっけつ、こうねつが しょきのしょうじょうです。

Patients must be isolated in order to avoid contacts.
りかんしたひとは かくりし、せっしょくをさけなければなりません。


A conversation between a patient and a doctor about the Ebola virus
The incurable disease AIDS is now known to the general population. Then, we hear the news about “Ebola hemorrhagic fever”, a viral infection with a high mortality. The name sounds very scary. What kind of disease is it? Is the disease going to spread like AIDS did?


It was the end of March 1994 when the news spread worldwide that a lot of people in Zaire, Africa, were dying of high fever and bleeding. Owing to activities of health organizations such as WHO and CDC, it became clear that the disease was not a simple regional disease but a viral disease caused by the Ebola virus, surprising us as if it were a second AIDS. The fact is that an Ebola epidemic occurred in Zaire and Sudan in 1976, although it is unclear why it recurred almost 20 years later. Because virus grows only in living cells, it is certain that the virus remained in animals or humans. It is also unclear why the virus suddenly appears and causes an outbreak. The Ebola virus destroys living cells, causing bleeding from eyes, nose, ears and skin. As the disease spreads through the contact with body fluid, prevention is through quarantine of patients and to avoid contact.



My two cents 一言おせっかい
Misfortunes come when you least expect them. 災害は忘れた頃やって来る。
Out of sight, out of mind. 喉元すぎれば熱さを忘れる。

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