Osamu found a coat that he liked at the department store. It was a reasonable price and he decided to get it. But when he went to pay for it, the salespeson showed him the price and Osamu realized he made a mistake in reading the price tag. He thought that he shouldn't buy it because he had a certain budget. But there were so many people behind him and the salesperson gave him such a nice smile, that Osamu took out his money and paid for it. If you really don't want something, don't pay for it. You can say: "I'm sorry, but I changed my mind. I don't want it." or you can tell them that you misread the price. Don't worry, you are the customer and you should have the decision of buying something or not.


キャッシャーがレジに金額を打ち込んだ後/the cashier rings up yor purchase./に買うのをやめるのは、少し勇気がいることかもしれません。しかし、やはり思い切って断わるべきかと思います。値段を見間違っていました。ごめんなさい。買うのをやめます/I misread teh price. I don’t wnat it. Sorry. あるいは、I made a mistake on the price. I’m not getting this. と伝えて下さい。関連する表現例をあげてみましょう。

Is this on sale?


This blouse is 25% off, right?

Is this 25% off the price on the tag?

No, it’s already been marked down.


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